Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas in Oklahoma

We made a flying trip to Woodward for Christmas Eve and returned home on Christmas Day. Fast and furious! Tatum had a great time and ran on about 8 hours of sleep over 2 days. We are still catching up on all the rest. GiGi and Papa's house was fun and Santa was good to us!

I have more pics from Teresa but truthfully, I haven't unpacked my suitcase yet and it is buried in there! So, there will be more, but for now, here are the pics I caught!

"Pwesents from Santa"!

Randy might have just beat Kim on "number of presents" this year! Tatum loves the bears and lions at Papa's house. It is almost crushing when we have to leave!
Hope you all had a very blessed Christmas and are enjoying your families. More to come!


tiggerrulz62 said...

Are ya'll about Christmased out?
Are ya ready to kick back for a week & rest before your new job starts

Leslie said...

Looks like you all were busy & had a lot of fun!

Delana said...

Tatum is too cute!! Glad to hear that everyone enjoyed their holiday! God Bless!