Hello! So my loving husband recommends I take a break from Physical Therapist/Executive Director/Mommy/Laundry Queen world to blog a bit. Maybe it will be good for me to take a break. I seem to work ALL THE TIME these days. By the way, if you haven't seen it, check out http://www.rgb-crc.org/. There are lots of pics of all "my kiddos". I claim them as my own because I love them as my own at times. We are having a huge 60th Birthday Celebration for the Center on Thursday. Patrick Henry Hughes (from Extreme Makeover Home Edition) will be our guest speaker/performer. Needless to say, I'm working like crazy to hang on until Thursday is over. Thank goodness Regina is coming to help us keep Tatum so I can be "Executive Director" and Troy can be "Supportive Husband". Hey. . .maybe those should be our Halloween Costumes?
Anyway, Troy and I decided to carve those pumpkins we picked a couple of weeks ago. Tatum wanted to help of course. Enjoy the pics! More to come after Trick-or-Treating! Have a blessed week!
Anyway, Troy and I decided to carve those pumpkins we picked a couple of weeks ago. Tatum wanted to help of course. Enjoy the pics! More to come after Trick-or-Treating! Have a blessed week!